Detailed Information

Positive Psychology for Everyday Life (Belfield)

The aim of this course is to explore human development from the point of view of our individual lives and the world around us in ways that are personally meaningful. In addition to the content and information on the core topics, the course will involve learning about and sometimes practising exercises that can enhance wellbeing. In order to become personally grounded, we will explore activities that can help us to become centred and integrated emotionally, and to become more conscious of our embodied experiences. We will also explore techniques that enhance conversation and promote better communications and relationships in all walks of life. The theory underpinning the exercises and activities will be explained based on the work of contemporary psychologists with some ideas drawn from traditional psychology fields such as Jungian Psychology. The groundbreaking work of Cognitive Scientist John Vervaeke will be introduced in addition to the excellent research-based work of Positive Psychologist Martin Seligman and Behavioural scientist Jonathan Haidt. We will also explore the work of controversial Clinical Psychologist Jordan Peterson, who is potentially the most famous and well-known psychologist on the internet.


Dates Venue/Location Fee €
30 Jan 2018 to 27 Mar 2018 Belfield


Please note that you must be logged into InfoHub to make a Booking. If you do not have an Infohub account you can create one through this link.

6 Tuesdays 19.00 - 21.00 pm

Oct 06, 13, 20, 27, Nov 03,10



Jungian Psychology, Cognitive Science and Positive Psychology

A relevant list of books and online resources will be provided in a handout from week to week.

At the conclusion the course you will have discovered many personally relevant and engaging topics and maybe even make some friends with a common interest in psychology.

PowerPoint slides with key points of information and links to follow up in your own time

Break-out rooms to facilitate working in small groups

A Q&A session with discussion and a mix of exercises

The aim is to establish a structure from week to week that's engaging and informative. 

As a Psychologist who has specialised in human development, Dr Martina Carroll is a firm believer in the role Psychology has in promoting happiness and personal well-being. She has lectured at the Schools of Psychology and Social Justice in UCD, the Dept. of Applied Social Science in Maynooth and occasionally in Trinity College. Her focus is on psychology as a science but also has a keen interest in the relationship between the arts and psychology. She has a particular interest in Positive Psychology and the work of Carl Jung.