Title: The Joan Duff Medal
Award Type: Medal
Programme Description: Master of Arts
Long Description: Joan Duff was a leading light in the Irish Museums Trust (founded 1978), a charitable body set up to support the work of museums in Ireland on an all-Ireland basis. The Trust was instrumental in setting up the country’s leading academic qualification for management in the cultural sector, the Diploma in Arts Administration at UCD in 1997. This programme was converted to the MA in Cultural Policy and Arts Management in 2002, which continues to be one of the most successful post-graduate programmes in the College of Arts and Humanities. In 2019 the Trust decided to provide a medal in honour of Joan Duff (who died in 2018) to be awarded to the outstanding student each year on the MA programme.
The medal will feature an art work designed by the distinguished Irish artist Patrick Scott (1921-2014), initially commissioned as the logo of the Irish Museums Trust. We consider this particularly fitting for a medal awarded in relation to a programme in the School of Art History and Cultural Policy.
