Title: The Brendan O'Callaghan Award in Biopharmaceutical Engineering
Award Type: Award
Programme Description: Master of Engineering Science
Long Description: The National Institute for Bioprocess Research and Training (NIBRT) wishes to sponsor an award to recognise excellence in the
Biopharmaceutical Engineering M.Eng.Sc full-time Programme. NIBRT is a world-class institute that provides training and researchsolutions for the biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry. The award is to be named in honour of Brendan O'Callaghan a UCD graduate who over several decades has become a globally recognised leader in the biopharmaceutical industry. Brendan is currently vice president at Sanofi, one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies with a market capitalisation of €127 billion. Brendan also served for 10 years as chair of the NIBRT board.
Value: 1,500