VET30260 Clinical Extra-mural Experience

Academic Year 2023/2024

Clinical extramural studies are participated in over the final 2.5 years of the veterinary undergraduate degree. They commence in Spring of stage 3 MVB and stage 2 Grad Entry students. This Clinical EMS component recruits 40 credits. Pass/Fail Awarded.

To have 40 credits/pass mark awarded a minimum of 24 weeks extra-mural experience must be completed in accordance with the specifications/regulations for clinical extra mural studies (EMS). All 24 weeks of Clinical EMS and assessment forms pertaining to those weeks must be completed and submitted by April 30th of the final year.

The Clinical EMS programme includes a minimum of:
- 2 Weeks Equine practice
- 4 Weeks Companion Animal Practice
- 4 Weeks Farm Animal/Mixed Practice
- 1 Week assigned for Meat Plant experience and assessment
- 1 week of the student's own choice

With the exception of Meat Plant EMS, each EMS placement must be for a minimum of one full week per placement. EMS experience can be undertaken outside Ireland, although a % should be undertaken within Ireland. A week is 5 to 7 days dependant on the normal working week of the practice/establishment. Students are encouraged to participate in out of hours activities of the practice.

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Curricular information is subject to change

Learning Outcomes:

What will I learn?
The specific aims of CEMS are to help students:

• develop their animal handling skills for all common domestic species,
• enhance their understanding and appreciation of diagnostic and medical/surgical treatments commonly employed in a variety of veterinary working environments,
• appreciate the role of preventive medicine in all common domestic species,
• appreciate the role of herd health and epidemiology in food production animals,
• understand the practice and economics of food production animals,
• develop their understanding of practice economics and practice management by encouraging participation in the internally run European Veterinary Business Alliance (EVBA)
• develop their communication skills for all aspects of veterinary work,
• expand their experience and knowledge of disciplines, techniques or species that are not extensively covered within your parent university’s degree programme, or during the clinical year at University College Dublin,
• appreciate the importance of animal welfare and the necessity to relieve pain/distress,
• understand the ethical and legal responsibilities of veterinarians in relation to clients, animals, and the wider community,
• to explore clinical research and laboratory practice, allowing students to become exposed to future career avenues or opportunities that they may otherwise not have considered.

How will I be assessed?

This is a Pass/Fail module.
At the end of each EMS placement, students must provide evidence of satisfactory completion. This will be a MyProgress assessment form submitted online on the last day of the CEMS placement (or within one month of completing the placement).
A minimum of 24 weeks of CLinical EMS and assessment forms pertaining to those weeks must be completed and submitted by April 30th of the final year.

Am I eligible to take the module?

The module is open to all students after introduction to clinical skills module has been completed in Spring of Stage 3 MVB and Stage 2 Grad Entry Students.

How do I organise EMS?

- Students make their own arrangements with practices and establishments they wish to attend
- EMS placements must be approved by the EMS team before being undertaken
- Students identify and record the learning objectives for each placement and forward them to the EMS coordinator and after approval to the practice or establishment.
- Feedback from the practice principle on a student's performance in each placement is requested at the end of each placement.

How is EMS recorded?

- Students are personally responsible for submitting completed MyProgress online forms online.
- Students will not be eligible to graduate unless EMS placements are completed in accordance with the EMS regulations.

Student Effort Hours: 
Student Effort Type Hours
Placement/Work Experience




Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
Approaches to learning are dependant on the type of placement that the student attends.

They may include:

Enquiry and Problem Based Learning
Active/ task-based learning
Peer/Group Work
Critical Writing
Lab Work
Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations
Learning Requirements:

The module is open to all students from the beginning of Stage 3 of the MVB/ Stage 2 Grad Entry programme but contributes to the completion of the 5th Stage of the MVB/ Stage 4 Grad Entry programme only.

Students are expected to have completed the required Farm and Companion Animal Husbandry experience by the completion of Stage 2 Semester 2 of the MVB/ Grad Entry Programmes.

Learning Recommendations:

Students must ensure that they submit the relevant myprogress form for the type of placement within 30 days from the last day of the placement.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
Not applicable to this module.
Assessment Strategy  
Description Timing Open Book Exam Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade
Fieldwork: 12 weeks practice exposure Varies over the Trimester n/a Graded Yes


Carry forward of passed components
Remediation Type Remediation Timing
Repeat (CFP) Within Three Semesters
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 
Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Feedback individually to students, post-assessment

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

Students will receive feedback on their placements from their placement host. If they have not completed the required number of hours, the number of weeks/types of placements, the student will be able to remediate any incomplete components by completing the necessary placement weeks. Students are welcome to discuss any feedback that they receive from their placement provider with the module coordinator.

Name Role
Ms Diane Cashman Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Timetabling information is displayed only for guidance purposes, relates to the current Academic Year only and is subject to change.

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