PHIL41390 Immortality

Academic Year 2016/2017

Filmmaker Woody Allen famously claimed that he didn’t want to achieve immortality through his works; he wanted to achieve immortality through not dying. He’s certainly not alone in his desire for immortality. The fact that we will eventually die is often thought to be one of the most regrettable facts about the human condition. But whilst the prospect of death often fills us with fear and anxiety, would the alternative option -- of living forever, of being immortal -- really be such a good thing? After all, many fictions portray immortals as being rather unfortunate creatures who wish for nothing more than being being mortal (think of Connor MacLeod from "Highlander"). The question that we are going to focus on in this seminar is this: Can an immortal life ever be good for the person who desires to be immortal? We will read a variety of articles from the contemporary philosophical literature aimed at addressing this question, starting with a seminal paper by Bernard Williams ("The Makropulos Case") in which it is argued that all forms of immortality are undesirable.

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Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the seminar students will be expected to have

· aquired a general understanding of the metaphysical as well as value theoretic questions and problems that arise when thinking about immortality.

· aquired in depth knowledge of the contemporary philosophical literature on immortality.

· improved their ability to extract and evaluate arguments.

· read and thought about the assigned literature on a weekly basis.

· carried out team work in order to improve the learning process as well as improve the ability to work as part of a group.

· given one presentation and led the subsequent discussion on one of the assigned articles.

Student Effort Hours: 
Student Effort Type Hours


Autonomous Student Learning




Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations

Not applicable to this module.

Description % of Final Grade Timing
Essay: Essay


Coursework (End of Trimester)
Continuous Assessment: < Description >


Throughout the Trimester


This module is not passable by compensation

Resit Opportunities

In-semester assessment


If you fail this module you may repeat, resit or substitute where permissible