PEP40260 Housing Policy and Planning

Academic Year 2017/2018

This module examines key aspects of housing policy and planning. The aim of housing policy is to ensure that the housing needs and demands of a complex modern society are met efficiently, effectively and with some measure of equity. Additionally, it seeks to supply housing that is affordable. Examining the housing system of Ireland, along with international comparisons, this module examines the degree to which housing policy and planning achieve their stated aims. In so doing, it analyses housing and planning from the following two broad perspectives: 1) Housing and Spatial Planning:This section of the module investigates housing and planning at a number of different spatial scales. At the national and regional level it explores issues such as population, housing and settlement strategy. At the city and metropolitan level it explores issues such as urban form and density, the compact city and polycenctric development. At the local and neighbourhood level, which the module in particular focuses on, issues such as residential density, infill development, regeneration, planning for new neighbourhoods and urban design are analysed. 2) Housing, Society and EconomyThis section of the module examines the relationship between housing and the economy, access and affordability to housing as well as comparative housing systems. It also explores the issue of residential segration, sustainable communities and policies with respect to social and tenure mix. The module requires extensive and critical reading of the academic and policy literature.

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Learning Outcomes:

On completion of the module students will be able to:1) Identify the relationships between housing and spatial planning at different spatial scales2) Understand the importance of some of the key debates with regard to housing and spatial planning3) Undertake comprehensive neighbourhood analysis through a combination of primary and secondary sources as well as field work4) Compare key differences between Ireland and other EU countries in terms of their housing and planning systems

Student Effort Hours: 
Student Effort Type Hours


Autonomous Student Learning




Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations

Not applicable to this module.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
Housing Policy & Planning (PEP30090)

Description % of Final Grade Timing
Essay: < Description >


Varies over the Trimester
Group Project: < Description >


Varies over the Trimester
Fieldwork: < Description >


Varies over the Trimester


This module is not passable by compensation

Resit Opportunities

In-semester assessment


If you fail this module you may repeat, resit or substitute where permissible