NMHS20720 MH Across the Lifespan

Academic Year 2023/2024

This module explores mental health and care of children, adolescents, adults and older people and the unique health challenges, vulnerabilities and circumstances they may encounter.
This module will encourage the student to think about children, adolescents and older people in the context of the systems in which they function and the challenges their respective ages pose in terms of their vulnerabilities. Specific nursing interventions and contexts will be presented in terms of national programmes, evidence-based best practice, legislation and policies.

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Curricular information is subject to change

Learning Outcomes:

On completion you should be able to:
- Explain the concepts of child development, developmental problems, adult development, ageing and mental illness as it affects the young, adults and the older adult.
- Critically appraise concepts of dependency in the contexts of the young and the aged
- Discuss/argue the specific interventions/therapies/approaches to building therapeutic relationships with young persons, adults and older persons who have experience of mental illness to collaboratively enable them in their mental health recovery journey

In order to undertake this module - students must first have completed stage 1 mental health modules Foundations in Mental Health Nursing A and B.

Indicative Module Content:

The lifespan approach
Child and adolescent mental health
Mental Health- Older People
Services, policies, legislation and mental health nursing care of children, adolescents and older people.
Perinatal mental health
Menopause and Mental Health

Student Effort Hours: 
Student Effort Type Hours


Specified Learning Activities


Autonomous Student Learning




Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
This module is delivered by a combination of synchronous and asynchronous lectures via the Brightspace Virtual Classroom and self-directed learning 
Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations

Not applicable to this module.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
Not applicable to this module.
Assessment Strategy  
Description Timing Open Book Exam Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade
Assignment: Written assignment, 2000 words Coursework (End of Trimester) n/a Standard conversion grade scale 40% No


Assignment: Concept Mapping Coursework (End of Trimester) n/a Standard conversion grade scale 40% No


Carry forward of passed components
Resit In Terminal Exam
Spring No
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 
Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Feedback individually to students, post-assessment

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

Students will receive feedback post exam by appointment with the module coordinator

Reading List for Academic Year 2019-2020
Doody, C.M., Markey, K. & Doody, O. (2013) Future need of ageing people with an intellectual disability in the Republic of Ireland: lessons learned from the literature. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 41(1), 13-21.

Doyle, M. & Jones, P. (2013) Hodges' Health Career Model and its role and potential application in forensic mental health nursing. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 20(7), 631-640.

HSE CHE, Healthy Ireland Implementation Plan 2018-2022 (2018), Health Service Executive.

Houlihan, D., Sharek, D. & Higgins, A. (2013) Supporting children whose parent has a mental health problem: an assessment of the education, knowledge, confidence and practices of registered psychiatric nurses in Ireland. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 20(4), 287-295.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE )(2018) Dementia Guideline 97 https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng97
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2017) Guideline 28 Depression in children and young people https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/cg28
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence () substance misuse guidelines https://www.nice.org.uk/search?q=substance+misuse+young+people
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2015) Older people: Guidelines https://www.nice.org.uk/search?q=older+people
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2016) Mental wellbeing in over 65s: occupational therapy and physical activity interventions. PH16. London: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.
Finlay, J., Franke, T., McKay, H. & Sims-Gould, J. (2015) Therapeutic landscapes and wellbeing in later life: Impacts of blue and green spaces for older adults. Health & Place, 34, 97-106.

Gellis, Z.D., Solomon, P., Cullen, S.W., Lukens, J., Gleba, J., Zalucki, D. & Huz, S. (2014) Dissemination of Evidence-Based Depression Care for Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Best Practice in Mental Health, 10(1), 1-15.

Cleary, M., Sayers, J., Bramble, M. & Raeburn, T. (2017) ‘Slipping through the Cracks’: Mental Health and Recovery in Older Person Care. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 38(7), 603-605.

Coyne, I., McNamara, N., Healy, M., Gower, C., Sarkar, M. & McNicholas, F. (2015) Adolescents' and parents' views of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services ( CAMHS) in Ireland. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 22(8), 561-569.

Gondek, D., Edbrooke-Childs, J., Velikonja, T., Chapman, L., Saunders, F., Hayes, D. & Wolpert, M. (2017) Facilitators and Barriers to Person-centred Care in Child and Young People Mental Health Services: A Systematic Review. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 24(4), 870-886.

Hartnett, D., Carr, A. & Sexton, T. (2016) The Effectiveness of Functional Family Therapy in Reducing Adolescent Mental Health Risk and Family Adjustment Difficulties in an Irish Context. Family Process, 55(2), 287-304.

King, S.D. & Richardson, V.E. (2017) Mental Health for Older LGBT Adults. Annual Review of Gerontology & Geriatrics, 37(1), 59-75.

La Grow, S.J., Towers, A., Yeung, P., Alpass, F. & Stephens, C. (2015) The Relationship between Loneliness and Perceived Quality of Life among Older Persons with Visual Impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 109(6), 487-499.

Malla, A., Iyer, S., McGorry, P., Cannon, M., Coughlan, H., Singh, S., Jones, P. & Joober, R. (2016) From early intervention in psychosis to youth mental health reform: a review of the evolution and transformation of mental health services for young people. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 51(3), 319-326.

Masaud, T., Dunne, M. & Skokauskas, N. (2015) Mental Health of Children Born to Immigrant Parents in Ireland: A Pilot Study. Community Mental Health Journal, 51(1), 97-102.

McCormack, B. & Skatvedt, A. (2017) Older people and their care partners' experiences of living with mental health needs: a focus on collaboration and cooperation. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(1/2), 103-114.

O'Reilly, A., Illback, R., Peiper, N., O'Keeffe, L. & Clayton, R. (2015) Youth engagement with an emerging Irish mental health early intervention programme ( Jigsaw ): participant characteristics and implications for service delivery. Journal of Mental Health, 24(5), 283-288.

Perera, R.H., Rogers, S.L., Edwards, S., Hudman, P. & Malone, C. (2017) Determinants of Transition From Child and Adolescent to Adult Mental Health Services: A Western Australian Pilot Study. Australian Psychologist, 52(3), 184-190.

Santini, Z.I., Fiori, K.L., Feeney, J., Tyrovolas, S., Haro, J.M. & Koyanagi, A. (2016) Social relationships, loneliness, and mental health among older men and women in Ireland: A prospective community-based study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 204, 59-69.

Siskind, D.J., Sawyer, E., Lee, I., Lie, D.C., Martin-Khan, M., Farrington, J., Crompton, D. & Kisely, S. (2016) The Mental Health of Older Persons After Human-Induced Disasters: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Epidemiological Data. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 24(5), 379-388.

Wenhua, L. (2017) Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders and Health Care Disparities: Results from the National Survey of Children's Health, 2011-2012. Journal of Health Care for the Poor & Underserved, 28(3), 988-1011.

Wynne, C., Doyle, C., Kenny, R., Brosnan, E. & Sharry, J. (2016) A first-level evaluation of a family intervention for adolescent social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health, 28(1), 33-46.

Zechner, M.R., Birkmann, J.C., Sperduto, J. and Pratt, C., 2018. Sensitizing Inpatient Mental Health Staff to the Challenges of Aging. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services, 56(4), pp.12-16.

Zhang, J., Xu, Z., Zhao, K., Chen, T., Ye, X., Shen, Z., Wu, Z., Zhang, J., Shen, X. and Li, S., (2018) Sleep Habits, Sleep Problems, Sleep Hygiene, and Their Associations with Mental Health Problems Among Adolescents. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 24(3), pp.223-234.

Dated but recommended reading

Adams, K.B., Roberts, A.R. & Cole, M.B. (2011) Changes in activity and interest in the third and fourth age: Associations with health, functioning and depressive symptoms. Occupational Therapy International, 18(1), 4-17.

Cody, R.A. & Drysdale, K. (2013) The Effects of Psychotherapy on Reducing Depression in Residential Aged Care: A Meta-Analytic Review. Clinical Gerontologist, 36(1), 46-69.

Conwell Y. (2009) Suicide prevention in later life: a glass half full or half empty? Am J Psychiatry, 166 :845-848.

Dogra N. & Leighton S. (2009) Nursing in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Blackwell publishing, Edinburgh.

Drageset, J., Espehaug, B. & Kirkevold, M. (2012) The impact of depression and sense of coherence on emotional and social loneliness among nursing home residents without cognitive impairment - a questionnaire survey. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21(7/8), 965-974.

Gee, S.B., Croucher, M.J. & Beveridge, J. (2010) Measuring Outcomes in Mental Health Services for Older People: An evaluation of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for elderly people (HoNOS65+). International Journal of Disability, Development & Education, 57(2), 155-174.

Houlihan, D., Higgins, A. & Sharek, D. (2013) Supporting children whose parent has a mental health problem: an assessment of the education, knowledge, confidence and practices of registered psychiatric nurses in Ireland. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 20(4), 287-295.

Keenan, B., Jenkins, C., Denner, L., Harries, M., Fawcett, K., Magill, L., Atkins, S. & Miller, J. (2011) Promoting mental health in older people admitted to hospitals. Nursing Standard, 25(20), 46-56.

McKay, R., McDonald, R., Lie, D. & McGowan, H. (2012) Reclaiming the best of the biopsychosocial model of mental health care and 'recovery' for older people through a 'person-centred' approach. Australasian Psychiatry, 20(6), 492-495.

Namkee, G.C. & DiNitto, D.M. (2013) Mental health & substance use: Challenges for serving older adults. In Indian Journal of Medical Research, Vol. 138 Indian Council of Medical Research, pp. 439-442.
Parkar, S.R. (2015) Elderly Mental Health: Needs. Vol. 13 Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd., pp. 91-99

Toshack, T. & Colmar, S. (2012) A Cyberbullying Intervention With Primary-Aged Students. Australian Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 22(2), 268-278.

Name Role
Mrs Sandra Connell Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Timothy Frawley Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Aoife Claire MacCormac Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Ms Corina Murphy Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Ms Joanna O'Neill Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
SHOBHA RANI SHETTY Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Timetabling information is displayed only for guidance purposes, relates to the current Academic Year only and is subject to change.
Lecture Offering 1 Week(s) - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 Mon 09:00 - 10:50
Lecture Offering 1 Week(s) - 10 Mon 09:00 - 10:50
Lecture Offering 1 Week(s) - 12 Mon 09:00 - 12:50
Lecture Offering 1 Week(s) - 2, 5 Wed 09:00 - 10:50
Lecture Offering 1 Week(s) - 4, 6 Wed 09:00 - 10:50